Strona główna Ogloszenia / Announcements Letter to Parents

Letter to Parents


December 17, 2019

Dear Parents/Guardians:
During the December 17, 2019 Board meeting, the Edmonton Catholic School Division (ECSD) Board of Trustees approved a motion for the commencement of the formal process to consider St. Basil Catholic Elementary Junior High School for closure for the start of the 2020 school year. We recommend that the elementary Polish Bilingual program be relocated to St. Angela Catholic Elementary School, the junior high Polish Bilingual program be relocated to Sir John Thompson Catholic Junior High School, and the Jean Forest Leadership Academy be relocated to St. Cecilia Catholic Junior High School. Please know that a decision has not been made about whether to close the school at this time.
St. Basil Catholic Elementary Junior High School has been identified as possessing one or more factors that put into question the viability of keeping the school active. Current enrolment, projected declining enrolment, and low utilization are concerns.
To ensure that a decision is made in the best interests of both students and the Division, a public-meeting process will take place as outlined in the Board Policy 14 – School and Program Closures.
The meeting will provide insight and information regarding the school’s possible closure. Parents, guardians and community members will have the opportunity to learn about what is being considered, ask questions and offer feedback.
Further information regarding the meeting will be communicated in January 2020.

Meeting Details:
Date: Wednesday February 12, 2020
Time: 6:30 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.)
Location: St. Basil Catholic Elementary Junior High School, gymnasium
Address: 11510-102 Street NW

Throughout the consultation process, ECSD administration will collect all community feedback and provide it to the Board for their consideration. The Board will make a final decision, by vote, regarding the possible closure of St. Basil Catholic Elementary Junior High School at a Public Board meeting on Tuesday March 17, 2020.
I encourage you to attend the meeting on February 12, 2020, ask questions and share your thoughts regarding the school’s possible closure. The Board of Trustees will take into consideration all the information and feedback received before making a final decision.

John Fiacco
Assistant Superintendent
Educational Planning

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