Strona główna Ogloszenia / Announcements United for Ukraine: Zbiórka dla uchodźców z Ukrainy

United for Ukraine: Zbiórka dla uchodźców z Ukrainy


Ukraine needs our help and we are responding!!! Polish Airlines LOT donated a Boeing 787 Dreamliner; Shell Canada donated 50 tonnes of jet fuel to tank it, Alberta firefighters and municipalities are donating emergency equipment, pharmaceutical companies are donating medications.


On Monday, March 21 & Wednesday March 23, between 2 – 7 PM, please drop off your donation at the POLISH HALL at 10960 – 104 Street in Edmonton. WE NEED: First Aid supplies, pain medications, baby and adult diapers, feminine hygiene products, deodorants, oral hygiene products, outdoor survival equipment, new socks and underwear, walking canes, walkers and crutches
If you have any specialized medical or emergency response equipment, let us know.

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