Strona główna Ogloszenia / Announcements Bottle Drive Fundraiser dla Polskiej Szkoły w Edmonton

Bottle Drive Fundraiser dla Polskiej Szkoły w Edmonton


Dear members and friends of our ⁣⁣beloved St. Basil School.⁣⁣⁣⁣

It is with great excitement we invite you to part-take⁣in our upcoming Bottle Drive Fundraiser.⁣

⁣⁣⁣During these unprecedented times⁣ ⁣we anticipate this initiative to raise funds⁣ for our school’s programs, activities and events⁣⁣will help inspire feelings of hope and community.  ⁣⁣⁣⁣

Each year our Fundraising Society raises money⁣from which proceeds are used to help support things like⁣our bilingual program⁣⁣children’s events and activities⁣⁣cultural and creative initiatives ⁣⁣that support growth and development⁣⁣in addition to the already abundant educational resources our teachers provide.⁣⁣⁣⁣

Not only does this fundraising opportunity allow us to teach our children about community⁣⁣. it helps engage them through education and understanding of recycling!⁣⁣⁣⁣

We thank you in advance for your contributions and efforts.⁣⁣⁣⁣#yegbottledrive ⁣⁣#StBasilECSD ⁣⁣#ECSDFaithinspires ⁣⁣#yegfortroadbottledepot ⁣⁣#yegkidsrecycling#poloniaedmonton

Regards, The St. Basil School Parent Fundraising Society

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