Wrzesień, 2015
Dzień i Czas Rozpoczęcia
21 (Monday) 2:00 pm - 25 (Friday) 4:00 pm
University of Alberta
116 St & 85 Ave, Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3
21 September: Arts & Convocation Hall Senate Chamber 326, 3:00pm: “Polish Impact: An introduction for foreigners to Polish electronic, experimental and otherwise unconventional literature.’ –Dr. Piotr Marecki, Jagiellonian University 23 September,Arts
21 September: Arts & Convocation Hall Senate Chamber 326, 3:00pm: “Polish Impact: An introduction for foreigners to Polish electronic, experimental and otherwise unconventional literature.’ –Dr. Piotr Marecki, Jagiellonian University
23 September,Arts & Convocation Hall Senate Chamber 326, 10:00am “Screening Auschwitz: The Politics of Commemoration in Wanda Jakubowska’s “The Last Stage” (Ostatni etap, 1948)” Marek Haltof, Northern Michigan University.
23 September: Henry Marshall Tory Building, BW-1, 2:00pm: “Poland’s New Role in the European Union and Beyond” Marcin Bosacki, Polish Ambassador to Canada.
24 September,Arts & Convocation Hall Seminar Room 436 3:30pm, Language Policies in Poland: On Non Discrimination, Political Correctness, and the Visibility of Women in the Polish Language” — Dr. Dennis Scheller Boltz, University of Innsbruck
25 September: Arts & Convocation Hall Arts Lounge, 2:00pm: The Summer School of Polish: Teaching Polish to Foreigners at the University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland” — Katarzyna Niesporek and Karolinl Jedrych, University of Silesia